martes, julio 24, 2012


Érase que se era un joven que escribía y componía frases y estrofas para su amada, y de tantos dias y de tantas palabras nacieron junto a él malezas y enrramadas. Su cuarto entonces se convirtió en selva. Los monos y las boas se trepaban por sus piernas y se colgaban de sus brazos, más sin embargo, el joven nunca de sus cartas y versos se alejaba.

Los días y los meses pasaron; el joven flaco y cansado seguía escribiendo sin descanso. Llegaron los bomberos a sacarlo de entre los juncos, poniendo fin a las quejas de los vecinos, cuyas cocinas eran asaltadas por los tigres, leopardos y jaguares que de la jungla escapaban.

Ya en la sala, con la barba mas allá de la papada, y el cabello revuelto y desenvuelto, el muchacho proseguía en su escribanía, adornando las cartas con grabados y estocados de tinta, y de llanto melancólico y profundo por la lejanía de su bella amada... pero, de pronto pensó --¿Es en realidad bella mi amada? Hace tanto que no la veo, que apenas y recuerdo su rostro, sus razgos o sus ojos... sólo recuerdo cuanto la amo, cuanto la añoro-- Y entonces el joven perdió la opacidad de la locura en sus ojos, y con un nuevo brillo fulgurante, cortó sus barbas, peinó sus cabellos, se puso sus mejores ropas, salió por la puerta, caminó media cuadra, e hizo sonar el timbre de la puerta de la casa donde habitaba su amada.

sábado, julio 21, 2012

Drinking coca-cola with ice and eating fries...yeah, the burguer was very good (loving cheap room service)


El atardecer de Taiwan es el amanecer de Mexico. Cuando veas salir el sol piensa que del otro lado estoy yo.

miércoles, julio 18, 2012

after 13 shots of tequila... I think I can say I'm drung.... good night everbody.. son la neta! cabrones!!

martes, julio 17, 2012


Today I faced my old foes: Pride, Sadness and Korean chopsticks ;)
And I had by my side my old allies: Perseverance, Endurance and Solitude.

domingo, julio 15, 2012

Excellent weekend at Wu-Lai and Ping-Lin

After a very busy week at Taipei, it was time for taking an small break at the Taipei surroundings. I took my backpack, wore my excursion clothes, and had my camera ready. Me and a colleague departed on Saturday  towards the small town of Wu-Lai, where we experienced the permanent market on the main street, the Atayal aborigine food and relaxing hot springs at the Full Moon spa. We also visited the Yun-Hsien park, where you can only arrive by cable-car (The cable car station is located 1.3 km south of Wulai, just follow the signals or take a taxi. Another options was taking a mini-train, but the day we went it was not functioning, and it seems I has been like that for a while). The cable-car station is located in an small "annex" of Wu-Lai, located right in front of the Wu-Lai waterfalls; the Yun-Hsien park is located on top of the falls. The park have different amusements... nothing really interesting, but the mountain hiking! that was my favorite part of the visit and worth the NT$250 of the cable-car and park ticket.

Wu_Lai town

 Another view of Wu-Lai

 Wu-Lai power house

 Mini-train station

 Private bonsai garden at Wu-Lai town (behind the mini-train station)

 Wu-Lai waterfalls.

 view from the cable car

 view of Wu-Lai downtown from the cable-car


 falls at Yun-Hsien

 some Yun-Hsien fauna

 mountain hike at Yun-Hsien park

aborigine food (some ferns, stem leaves and flower buds)

On Sunday we traveled to Ping-Lin, a famous tea region in New Taipei City state. We visited the Tea Museum. The exhibition will teach you all what it needs to be known about tea, and the park backyard is a tea plantation full of hike roads, shrines and observatory decks; it's worth to spend all the morning there. if you are luck you may find the path up to the mountain peak. Ping-Lin local touristic transportation is free (or at least it was free on sunday :)), and you can take the mini-buses from the Tourism Office located across the main bridge (front-right to the museum exit). This time we took a bus to the Nam-Shan temple, located 9 Km north of Ping-Lin, up in the mountains (15 mins). The road to the temple is full of scenic views and tea plantations.. so prepare your camera at all times and fasten your belts because the drivers are wild and don't care about the extremely winding road.. they will drive as fast as they can! (yahoo!).  Right in front of the tourism office you may take a bus that'll take you back to the Xindian MRT station (in about 45 mins)