domingo, enero 06, 2008


De las entrañas de la tierra surgen entrópicos sucesos que en adición constante nos llevan cada día hacia la tibieza del universo: Nuestra propia perdición en el casino cósmico.

2 comentarios:

uli aleman dijo...

Hola Felipe! I didn't know that you now live in India. Well, that's what your picture tells me - you must be the one with the Sombrero on the far right...
hey poncho, that was not easy to catch you. I hope you're fine and feel great! At least you should feel warm in my jacket :), darling.
We may talk about the dirty things via email if you like to. You have my adress...

Ciao bello,

Uli de Alemania

Feliponcho dijo...

Wow, you did recognize me! OK, I'm writing to you all words of love you liked.